Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Journal of Institutional Economics

Journal of Institutional Economics
Institutions are the stuff of social and economic life. The importance of understanding the role of institutions in economic growth is now widely appreciated. The Journal of Institutional Economics is devoted to the study of the nature, role and evolution of institutions in the economy, including firms, states, markets, money, households and other vital institutions and organisations. It welcomes contributions by all schools of thought that can contribute to our understanding of the features, development and functions of real world economic institutions and organisations. 
The Journal of Institutional Economics is an interdisciplinary journal that is of interest to all academics working in the social sciences, particularly in economics and business studies. Contributions from politics, geography, anthropology, sociology and philosophy are also welcomed. The Journal of Institutional Economics aims to provide all authors with an expert verdict on their articles within fifty days of submission.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The one of most famous essays: John Stuart Mill

Most valuable !! specially for the economic students
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy By John Stuart Mill

Most wanted: The very important web link in economics

Get it now ! to enrichment your comprehension in economics

The Mundell-Fleming Model: Adds a balance of payments equilibrium condition (and a BP curve) to an IS-LM Model

This extends the closed economy IS/LM framework to allow discussion of the interplay between monetary policy and exchange rate policy.  In particular, the model emphasizes the differences between fixed and floating exchange rates.

Phillips Curve: The relationship between the rate of inflation and the unemployment rate

by Kevin D. Hoover
About the Author
The Phillips curve represents the relationship between the rate of inflation and the unemployment rate. Although he had precursors, A. W. H. Phillips’s study of wage inflation and unemployment in the United Kingdom from 1861 to 1957 is a milestone in the development of macroeconomics. Phillips found a consistent inverse relationship: when unemployment was high, wages increased slowly; when unemployment was low, wages rose rapidly.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Assignment at the end of year for My Students Management 3A FEB UIN: Macroeconomics

The answers must be done before deadline at the latest 8.00 PM, Friday 31, December, 2010.
Untuk mencapai hasil yang memuaskan, belajar membutuhkan kesungguhan, semangat, dan pengorbanan yang tiada henti.
Keep your good mind.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The most famous scientist : Statisticians and Mathematicians

Mathematics Genealogy Project

A service of the NDSUDepartment of Mathematics, in association with theAmerican Mathematical Society.
Math Websites

Miscellaneous Websites

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

FAQ: Fixed-, between-, and random-effects and xtreg

FAQ: Fixed-, between-, and random-effects and xtreg

Random Effect Model: share yolink

Economics Search Engine

Economics Search Engine

ESE uses a beta version of Google Custom Search Engine to search over 23,000 economics websites and utilizes yolink to mine results and retrieve actionable, keyword-rich content. Results can saved to Google Docs, bookmarked or shared via major social networks. Each site is certified by RFE, which is run by economists from RePec Author Services and EDIRC.

ESE offers a "Search Plugin" for Internet Explorer 7.0 and 8.0 as well as FireFox 2.x and 3.x users that allow you to initiate searches directly from a search box in your browser.
The search results from Google are enhanced by Yolink. Among other features, for every search result, you will see surrounding text from that page, so you can put the search results into context. One can also bookmark, e-mail, and share your search results. This feature can be turned on or off by clicking on the text under the search box.
I would like to thank Hal Varian for pointing out CSEs to me, as well as Othar Hansson and other Google employees for technical support. Thomas Krichel was instrumental for access to the RAS database.
Please contact Bill Goffe with any feedback you might have.
Economics Search Engine

Monday, December 20, 2010

Fixed Effect Model: Panel Data Analysis

Because fixed effects models rely on within-group action, ...
In the basic fixed effects model, the effect of each predictor variable (i.e., the slope) is...
This concept of “before and after” offers some insight into the estimation of fixed effects models.
Because fixed effects models rely on within-group action, you need repeated observations for each group, 
and a reasonable amount of variation of your key X variables within each group.
One potentially significant limitation of fixed effects models is that you cannot assess the effect of variables 
that have little within-group variation. For example, if you want to know the effect of spectator sports 
attendance on the demand for massages, you might not be able to use a fixedeffects model
because sports attendance within a city does not vary very much from one year to the next. 
If it is crucial that you learn the effectof a variable that does not show much within-group variation, 
then you will have to forego fixed effects estimation. But this exposes you to potential omitted variable bias. 
Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to this dilemma.
Fixed effects regressions are very important because data often fall into categories such as 
industries, states, families, etc. When you have data that fall into such categories, 
you will normally want to control for characteristics of those categories that might affect the LHS variable. 
Unfortunately, you can never be certain that you have all the relevant control variables, 
so if you estimate a plain vanilla OLS model, you will have to worry about unobservable factors 
that are correlated with the variables that you included in the regression. 
Omitted variable bias would result. If you believe that these unobservable factors are time-invariant, 
then fixed effects regression will eliminate omitted variable bias.

Journal of applied probability

Journal of Applied Probability
For over four decades, the Journal of Applied Probability has provided a forum for original research and reviews in applied probability. Its wide audience includes leading researchers in the many fields where stochastic models are used, including operations research, telecommunications, computer engineering, epidemiology, financial mathematics, information systems and traffic management.

Volume 47, Number 3

Publication Date: September 2010

One of the great men: Hadi Susanto

Hadi Susanto was born and grew up in Lumajang, East Java province of Indonesia. He was an undergraduate student (BSc 2001) at the Department of Mathematics of Bandung Institute of Technology, with a thesis study supervised byBarbera van de Fliert and Edy Soewono. He subsequently did his postgraduate studies (MSc 2003, PhD 2006) in theDepartment of Applied Mathematics of the University of Twente under the supervision of Stephan van Gils.
He then was Visiting Assistant Professor (Jan. 2006-Dec. 2007) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of theUniversity of Massachusetts, Amherst mentored by Panos Kevrekidis. Per 1 January 2008, he is Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Nottingham. [more ...]

What's the differences between the big human and the great human

Berdasarkan ukuran kehidupan, manusia besar (big human) dapat dibedakan dengan manusia hebat (great human).  The big human adalah golongan manusia yang memiliki omong besar atau bermulut besar (big mouth), yang memiliki harta kekayaan yang melimpah ruah, yang memiliki nafsu keserakahan yang besar, yang memiliki kesombongan yang besar, yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk menjungkirbalikan fakta, yang memiliki kekuatan untuk menyingkirkan saingannya dengan cara kotor, yang memiliki daya magis membutakan manusia lainnya untuk menjadi manusia penjilat, yang memiliki kekuatan tipu daya, yang memiliki keinginan dipuja-puja dan disanjung-sanjung, dan yang memiliki..... (edit).  The great human adalah golongan manusia yang memiliki prestasi kehidupan memuliakan manusia lainnya, ia menjadi orang hebat dalam bentuk pemikiran keilmuannnya, ia menjadi orang hebat dalam bentuk pengabdiannya, ia menjadi orang hebat dalam bentuk kasih sayangnya terhadap sesama, ia menjadi orang hebat karena keteladannnya, ia menjadi orang hebat karena berjuang tanpa pamrih, ia menjadi orang hebat karena ia tidak mau menjadi orang besar.....(edit).
What's effects ?
The big human selalu menyusahkan manusia lainnya,  menyengsarakan manusia lainnya, merusak alam kehidupan manusia, merusak moral manusia lainnya, mengubah yang haram menjadi halal, memiskinkan manusia lainnya.... (edit).    The great human selalu mempermudah urusan orang lain, memberi manfaat bagi manusia lainnya, berprestasi untuk kemaslahatan kehidupan, tidak bernafsu untuk mencari kekuasaan, tidak memikirkan kepentingan dirinya sendiri, menonjolkan solidaritas sosial, menjunjung tinggi kejujuran, memelihara dan mempertahankan kebenaran yang sebenar-benarnya... (edit)
Think about its !
Kemacetan lalu lintas, siapa yang memicunya the big human or the great human?
Corruption, siapa yang melakukan the big human or the great human?
Kemiskinan, siapa yang memikirkan the big human or the great human?
Pengangguran, siapa yang memikirkannya the big human or the great human?
Kemewahan, siapa yang menjalaninya the big human or the great human?
Peraih Nobel Prize, the big human or the great human?
.... (edit)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Be a dollar maker through blog site

What are Ads by Google?

Research Methods

The following pages have been designed to provide support for the methodology assignment in Dr. Ruth Palmquist's Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science class. The pages contain brief definitions of selected research methods, as well as helpful links and examples of studies in the respective methods, including bibliographies of useful print resources.

Research Methods by Syamsu Rizal

Materi Kuliah Metode Penelitian (sesi-1 dan sesi-2)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

True American Dog: Justin Bieber Performs At Dad's Funeral

True American Dog: Justin Bieber Performs At Dad's Funeral

Working papers-Fernando Alvarez

Department of Economics
University of Chicago

Location: Chicago, Illinois (United States)
Fax: 773/702-8490
Postal: 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Handle: RePEc:edi:deuchus (registered authors at this institution)

Top 10% authors in the field of Econometrics

This ranking is based on registered authors only, and only those who are classified within this field. Authors can register at theRePEc Author Service.
1.1.23James J. Heckman
2.2.1Peter C. B. Phillips
3.3.46M Hashem Pesaran
4.5.17Donald W. K. Andrews
5.5.37James H. Stock
6.5.84Robert F. Engle
7.9.6Pierre Perron
8.9.83Halbert White
9.10.14Clive W. J. Granger †
10.10.97Peter Nijkamp
11.13.55Manuel Arellano
12.13.76David F. Hendry
13.13.99James MacKinnon
14.14.68Kenneth D. West
15.15.54Tim Bollerslev
16.16.76Jushan Bai
17.17.4Michael McAleer
18.17.91Christopher Sims
19.18.16Gerard J. van den Berg
20.18.94Peter M. Robinson
21.20.28John Geweke
22.21.29William Arnold Barnett
23.22.9Guido Imbens
24.24.75Adrian Rodney Pagan
25.25.03Lars Peter Hansen
26.25.87Massimiliano Marcellino
27.27.5Andrew C. Harvey
28.27.51Oliver Bruce Linton
29.28.42Soren Johansen
30.28.49Peter Schmidt
31.29.52Serena Ng
32.29.8Francis X. Diebold
33.30.81Richard Blundell
34.32.96Arthur Lewbel
35.33.12Neil Shephard
36.33.46Russell Davidson
37.34.56Lucrezia Reichlin
38.35.09Jean-Marie Dufour
39.35.73Graham Elliott
40.35.85Wolfgang Karl Härdle
41.36.05Marc Nerlove
42.37.46Richard J. Smith
43.39.27Christian S. Gourieroux
44.41.82Lawrence J. Christiano
45.42.1Neil R. Ericsson
46.43.07Badi H. Baltagi
47.45.2Timo Teräsvirta
48.46.17James Hamilton
49.46.33Joshua D Angrist
50.47.03Yacine Ait-Sahalia
51.50.37Torben G. Andersen
52.50.52Stephen Roy Bond
53.51.26Allan Timmermann
54.51.58Michael Peter Clements
55.53.3Gary Koop
56.54.13Werner Ploberger
57.54.65Leslie George Godfrey
58.55.82Andrew Chesher
59.57.63Steven Berry
60.57.96Helmut Lütkepohl
61.59.66Todd Clark
62.60.89Martin Browning
63.64.04Mario Forni
64.64.42Cheng Hsiao
65.64.86Marc Hallin
66.65.98Kenneth Frank Wallis
67.66.95Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen
68.69.1Robert Taylor
69.70.53Allan W. Gregory
70.71.96Frank Schorfheide
71.72.6Lutz Kilian
72.73.83Marco Lippi
73.74.63Norman Rasmus Swanson
74.74.89Mark Steel
75.75.06Timothy Vogelsang
76.75.51Enrique Sentana
77.76.72Atsushi Inoue
78.77.41James E. H. Davidson
79.78.97Chihwa Kao
80.79.08Alastair Hall
81.79.46Fabio Canova
82.81.18Eric Ghysels
83.81.5Richard T. Baillie
84.82.1Leopold Simar
85.82.48Hidehiko Ichimura
86.83.03Frank Windmeijer
87.84.33Frank Kleibergen
88.85.91Siem Jan Koopman
89.87.03Elie Tamer
90.87.9Carlos Velasco
91.89.57Peter Reinhard Hansen
92.93Edward Vytlacil
93.93.77Roberto S. Mariano
94.93.88Robert F. Stambaugh
95.95.26Steven N. Durlauf
96.96.14Michael McCracken
97.96.4Luc Bauwens
98.96.46Jay Shanken
99.97.36Aman Ullah
100.99.17Thomas Lemieux
101.100.04Han Hong
102.100.81Victor Chernozhukov
103.102.03Alberto Abadie
104.105.3Geert Ridder
105.106.93Kenneth Train
106.107.94Adonis Yatchew
107.108.79Agustin Maravall
108.110.81Alain Monfort
109.111.1Eric Zivot
110.111.3Nelson C. Mark
111.113.21Douglas Kenneth Pearce
112.113.54Jan F. Kiviet
113.116.05Jesus Gonzalo
114.118.2Marcus J. Chambers
115.121.34Jean-Michel Zakoian
116.121.98Jeffrey Scott Racine
117.122.15Domenico Giannone
118.123.72Bent Nielsen
119.124.04James McDonald
120.125.5Donggyu Sul
121.126.93Masao Ogaki
122.127.47Terry J Fitzgerald
123.128.29Hyungsik Roger Moon
124.130.08Andrew Patton
125.130.36Chris D Orme
126.131.31Marcelo J. Moreira
127.131.48Tommaso Proietti
128.131.65William A. Brock
129.132.88Keisuke Hirano
130.133.48Willard G. Manning
131.134.19Herman K. van Dijk
132.134.53Don Harding
133.134.86João M.C. Santos Silva
134.136.29Giorgio Calzolari
135.137.05Zhijie Xiao
136.137.14Richard Startz
137.137.94Kevin D. Hoover
138.140.26Kajal Lahiri
139.141.13Robert J. Kohn
140.144.43Mehmet Caner
141.144.91Simon Potter
142.145.58Jonathan H. Wright
143.146.86Asger Lunde